
The Amazing Race in Malaysia

Shaaz Nasir

The Amazing Race Logo

The Global Vision Amazing Race

Our Amazing Race team was superb while running around like mad people in Malaysia for hours. We got a chance to see Malaysia thoroughly; using all types of transportation to find monkeys and much more!

Twist Baby Twist in the Amazing Race

Here was the twist: at the end of the race each team had a few hours to produce some type of presentation about their race experience and what they learned. The sooner you completed the race, the more time you got to prepare that crucial presentation.

Halfway through the race our team realized that we could run around and simply take pictures to complete the tasks or take the time and actually talk to the locals and experience the culture. Furthermore, we merged with another group which did slow us down but on the positive side we really engaged in meaningful discussions.

Nonetheless, we finished last place because of a shift in focus and our merger with more people.

We only had around 2 hours for 10 people to collect their answers, brainstorm, and produce a video. Time was running out. After taking showers and coming up with a plan we had 14 minutes left in contrast to teams that were half the size with double amount of time to work on the project.

The Amazing Race in 14 Minutes

We decided to create a video and I was the one with the skills and the mac book (iMovie). I had to capture the points of 10 + people while summarizing around 6 hours into 4 minutes in 14 minutes. This was quite the challenge.  It was a solid team effort where the people generated solid ideas and unique marketing concepts. Keeping cool under pressure is a trait we all need to master as it allows you to find a strong foundation to be productive in an environment of utter chaos.  In other words, just chill.

The time to relax is when you do not have time for it.

The Results of the Amazing Race

While I was making the video, the other team players were perfecting their pitch to the panel of judges. We all came to the conclusion that despite what some clock said, we did not come in last. The point of the amazing race was to better understand and immerse ourselves in the culture as your team, communication, and stress management skills were put to the test.  Not run around simply  taking pictures and pushing people out of the way, yes that would make a great impression on the Malaysians.

Thus we felt confident that although others raced to the finish line, we took the road less travelled and learned to the finish line. With 1 minute remaining the video and pitch was in sync with our team roaring to go.

Everything went according to plan and as a result we went from dead last (10th place) to 3rd as many of those racers got numerous questions wrong and missed the point of the whole race.

3rd Place in the Amazing Race.

Solid team effort with only 14 minutes to prove it. Keep in mind we had three presenters talking about what we did to further add to the video.

Enjoy the video!