
Shaaz at the International Leadership Panel

Shaaz Nasir

Eight young leaders from around the world have been chosen to take part in an international leadership panel to share advice about becoming a leader and making a big impact in communities. I am very fortunate and grateful to be apart of the 8 selected.

Featuring Youth Leaders from Australia, Mauritius, Nigeria, Djibouti, India, the UK, and Canada, their work ranges from Anti-Gun and Knife Campaigns, a social business and creative writing publisher, an Events Management Company for young people, founder of India’s largest online platform for young people, Humanitarian Social Media, an International Young Professional Magazine, and campaigns for interfaith collaboration.

My specific goal will be to explain the core principles of leadership a young professional should understand when entering a leadership position for the first time. It is an absolute honor to be considered to join world class leaders  to adress hundreds of Californian youth. The panel will be conducted via Google Hangout on March 17th 2012.

The San Mateo County Youth California Conference

The Youth Conference is an event run by the San Mateo County Youth Commission. Last year there were 18 different presentations by young leaders from all over San Mateo County. This year’s theme is “The Youth Revolution”. Highlighting that “You can’t have a revolution without LOVE” and that “Change starts with You(th)” which aims to bring in international young leaders into the fray.

Nearly 400 professionals and youth will be attending the conference to be inspired by speakers from around the world.

 The Goals:

• Have young leaders share their ideas, work, and passions

• Promote “non-traditional” youth leaders

• Show matured professionals in the San Mateo County how capable youth can be

• Provide resources to youth about community partners

• Excite youth not involved currently about becoming active in the community