
Jag fika, du fika, vi fika

Sthephany Vasilopoulos van Oordt

When then clock hits 16:00, it’s fika time! Get your plates ready everyone, you will not be eating dinner tonight. So what is fika? First of all for all my dear anglophone speakers, it is pronounced feeeeeka, not fyka. Don’t worry about it my fellow New World readers; I made the same mistake once upon a time. I have to admit I never felt so foreign in my life.

Most Svensk companies and government agencies enjoy a fika (or two) once or twice a week. But at my office we fika everyday and sometimes even twice a day. Thank god I was able to find a gym right? Luckily I work for one of the most fabulous entrepreneurial companies in the Nordics, so we like to keep it fun, short and sweet. So what do we fika with? Cookies (or kakor as my fellow Swedes call it), kanelbulle, cinnamon buns, chocolate and sometimes even cake! It blows my mind how Europeans stay so slim given their sweet tooth.

Note that Fika is actually a verb AND a noun, literally meaning “to drink coffee”. It’s pretty fascinating how this culture associates coffee and eating as a action verb. Jag fika, du fika, vi fika!

As for me, I gotta get ready for a night on the town. As for you, may you fika and not gain an inch!

See you next week with some more marvelous bloglovin’ adventures. Here’s a hint: I turned Orange for a week, fell off a bike and wrecked my knees (thank goodness for my emergency band-aid kit in my little Marc Jacobs coin purse).