
MTG under Construction

Shaaz Nasir

It has been a while since we all understood some gaps. The wait shall come to an end shortly as fresh content will be uploaded as in the coming days. You can see the format evolve but now it is time to enjoy the new content from around the world. My role with Mind The Gap has evolved to managing the operational side of MTG ( a tad less fun and a whole lot more work…but alas I have to take MTG to the next level) Writers from around the world are now apart of the team and will showcase what it means to mind the gap in their own way from foreign policy to international finance and  in depth psycho-fashion (psychowhato?…again wait for the post on that)

Soon the followers of MTG will enjoy  what I had envision back in August. Fostering an environment in which  personal and professional development come together for young and more established professionals alike.

Consider it a philosophy, a mindset on how to approach life. In an age of social media, our world is shrinking but at what cost? There are too many gaps between people, from cultural gaps to  economic ones, by traveling the world I seek to understand them and maybe even bridge some. Issues from Economics to Fashion will be fleshed out to provide readers a complete package on entertainment and serious information. Many young professionals are lost in the ‘pursuit of yuppiness’ and tend to miss out on the nuances of life.

MTG starts where The Economist and Harvard Business Review ends, consider this an easy read  on some hard topics garnished with the intent to further both your understanding of the world and yourself. Writers from around the world are joining MTG. Things just got real.

This blog has no Borders, Limits, or Insecurities….one step at a time, we will mind the gap.